Stutterin’ Jimmy & The Goosebumps @ Alluvial
Friday, May 31st, 2024
Swamp Soul
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Friday 5/31 - All ages - $7/$10

Born and raised in Iowa, singer Jimmy Enos, the fearless leader of the Goosebumps, came onto the Des Moines music scene by performing at jam sessions at the legendary club, Blues on Grand. He has lived with a debilitating stutter his whole life, but it magically disappears when he sings. Jimmy was often misjudged due to the persistent impediment and he spent many years struggling to be recognized as the intelligent and compassionate human that he is. The stuttering, exacerbated by a crippling addiction to alcohol and drugs, would have defeated most people, but Jimmy took hold of his destiny and prescribed himself rehab on, of all places, a chicken farm. He emerged from that experience spiritually motivated and ready to share his passion, love and talent with the world. Jimmy’s songwriting springs from his honest and open acceptance of his past, his awareness of what every new day brings, and his optimism and excitement for the future. At first listen, the songs may seem simple, but they sneak up on you with their deceptive complexity, leaving you wanting more. These songs create a flexible structure on which the Goosebumps can build the layers of improvisation for which they have come to be known. Jimmy cites his musical influences as Van Morrison, Cat Stevens, Ben E. King, Randy Newman and Tom Waits.
Limited seating available - come early for a table - day of show tickets available at the door - Advance tickets available in the taproom!

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